2025a Schedule now online
The 2025a schedule is now posted and available online.
Scientific Publications Page now on website!
The MDM Observatory website now has two new pages: one will be a running list of scientific publications utilizing data acquired at MDM Observatory facilities...
New filters donated from Case Western
The Case-Western Reserve University’s Burrell-Schmidt Observatory has graciously donated a number of 4” filters, including OII on/off, OIII on/off, h-beta...
2024b Schedule now online
The 2024b schedule is now posted and available online.
Hired! New Proxy Queue Observer!
MDM has a new proxy queue observer—Justin Anderson! Justin comes to us from The Ohio State University and is eager to start taking data as soon as later...
What’s New at MDM Observatory?
The MDM Blog
Found below are items of interest that have recently occurred at MDM. These could be anything from improvements to the instrumentation to some really interesting science using data from our telescopes. If you have something you’d like added, send a comment to the address found below.