Pointing/Encoder Errors

Saturday, January 5, 2019 1:59 PM

Problem(s) Encountered:

I slewed to the relatively starless field for flats; after a little while ''ERROR dome below dropout'' popped up. I could not find any documentation for this and it seemed like the telescope should not have been at any directional limits, but it had somehow hit the West limit? To fix, used the paddle to move it away from that area of the sky and everything seemed to be in the clear.

I continued by getting the bright guide star centered and making sure the telescope was tracking with it. Things seemed to be going normally, then I noticed two errors that popped up in the TCS Session Log window consecutively:

ERROR where m_ha not homed          and

ERROR track ACK not received

The first error was found in the trouble shooting archives, so I was able to

follow what Katie had tried by putting the 1.3m telescope back to zenith and retry with guiding/tracking. The tip tilt sensors read correct amounts, so it had seemed like things were okay.

Any reference to the second error could not be found.

When we tried to track the guide star again, the same messages came up.

Reinforcement was called in in the form of emailing Eric for help to see if

he knew what needed to be done to properly fix the problem and save the

night from being a failed run.


Eric took control of the telescope for a while to fix the issue- The encoders were grossly off, possibly indicating the telescope and JSkyCalc were confused/not properly communicating to each other. The axes had to be ''homed'' (home ha ,  home dec  in TCS Log) and the dome was homed as

well once the axes were. Then the axes were zeroed to the tip tilt sensors,

with a  zero  command ( zero ra=h:m:s dec=d:m:s equinox=2019.011). Next, the telescope was stowed and JSkyCalc restarted and controls given back to me. Once this was done, no other problems were encountered for the rest of the night; all progressed as expected. (Thank you so much Eric!)