TCS and xmis2 GUI Failure
Saturday, April 18, 2015 1:38 PM
Problem(s) Encountered:
TCS and xmis gui''s froze and crashed. We were unable to bring them back online. When trying to reopen them via Applications -> telescope control, nothing would happen. We attempted to bring them back online via the telescope stop/start commands, when that didn''t work we restarted the workstation computer and tried again. Did not work.
We were able to control the telescope via JSkyCalc and get it to home, manually closed the mirror cover and homed/closed the dome. Engaged the Estop and closed the 1.3m for the night.
Could not connect to mcgraw. Was able to catch the observer before she went to bed and had her power cycle the machine. It came back up. I then re-established the telescope server connections, brought the tcs and xmis2 GUIs back online and initialized them without issue. Moved the guide probe to ensure communication. It appeared Owl had been shut down so I restarted that and ensured that it could talk with the detector successfully. All appears well again. McGraw had been doing well after having a couple crashes a couple months ago. Hopefully this is more a fluke than a sign of things to come as I do not have a spare mcgraw currently (or hill, or hiltner).