Data Not Writing to Disk

Sunday, April 14, 2013 3:34 PM

Problem(s) Encountered:

Observations were proceeding smoothly, but at one point I noticed that the last image saved remained at #256 despite each new exposure corresponding to an incremented image number. By the time I noticed this, the last image saved was #256 but the next image was to be #277.  After checking the data directory, I saw that indeed no fits images beyond #256 had been saved to the data directory.  This amounted to > an hour and a half of data that was missing.  I had seen no errors indicating any issues, but based on a previous trouble report from June 30, 2012, I figured there was an issue with Caliban (


Following that trouble report, I did a  runinit  to reset prospero, with the images starting at #277.  Doing this, I was able to retrieve images #257-276 successfully.  I then took a single exposure to make sure that would be saved to the data directory successfully.  That seemed to be saved with no problem, so I just continued to monitor the images during the rest of the night.